whollyheretic (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Assemblage Point : viable model for diversity of awareness |
Assemblage Point
The Toltec seers describe organic beings as bubbles formed in bands of Eagle's Emanations.
To perceive beings as countless fibres enclosed by an egg-shaped membrane,
the perception is performed by a faculty called will.
Perceiving the will's engagement with our surroundings is called Seeing,
which is an entirely different process from familiar visual imagery.
And will is entirely different from forcefulness of character.
Within the bubble of a human is a bright spot, a place lit and perceived by awareness.
This is the assemblage point ; the place where our perception is assembled.
The location of the assemblage point has a profound influence on what we perceive,
and even on the form our embodiment takes.
Generally, the assemblage point is fixated at a standard location,
a location that is established and defended by social consensus.
Here is the mechanism underlying social conformity and ignorance.
But there is a corollary : those who escape the socialised fixation
can freely roam the awesome possibilities of awareness.
The selection of emanations engaged by awareness at the location of the assemblage point
define what we perceive, and the state of mind from which we perceive it.
This is the mechanism underlying shape-shifting, which has a widespread familiarity in folklore.
Controlling the position of the assemblage point enables those with sufficient prowess
to take not only the form and perceptions of other creatures,
but, more importantly, to access knowledge directly without words.
The scope of possibilities made available by moving the assemblage point is so vast, so intense,
that in preparation for the impact of radically different perceptions
a number of crucial personal attributes must be developed.
Chief amongst these personal attributes is impeccability,
the unbending intent to make each and every action as elegant and precise as possible.
Another is sobriety, the reflex of seeking to understand without discarding unexpected information.
For those that seek to master the possibilities of awareness,
a manner of living called the warrior's way has been developed.
The spirit of a warrior is best suited to coping with surprises.
those unexpected perceptions that result from an enhanced awareness.
Without the inner discipline and toughness of a warrior,
our coherence of identity would be overwhelmed by the intensity of perceptions.
That intensity results from a movement of the assemblage point,
a rush of energy deriving from the fresh alignment of previously un-perceived bundles of fibres.
So the warriors way is a set of values and behaviour that toughen and fluidise and extend our concept of ourself.
But it is more than values and strategic activity ;
the warrior's path itself directly and endlessly challenges those that chose it.
The warrior's path is conscious of our susceptability to complacency,
and presents us with challenges that force us to grow and innovate.
That series of challenges seems to be a prerequisite for the mastery of awareness.
Often, those who are called to the warrior's way discover a task,
a purpose for which to strive.
Having a purpose strengthens our sobriety
and fuels our resolve to overcome any obstacle for that purpose.